Porcelain Veneers

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A Veneer is a thin, tooth-coloured shell which is carefully crafted to bond to and cover the front of unsightly teeth. A Veneer can be likened to a false fingernail – just the front surface is covered by the shell.

A Veneer can be used when:

  • A tooth is chipped, discoloured, slightly mis-aligned or has irregularities;
  • A tooth is too small or…
  • There is a gap between two teeth.

How it is done…

To prepare each tooth, your dentist will remove a thin layer (about the thickness of a fingernail) from the surface of the tooth. This allows for the Veneer to be cemented into place later. An impression is taken of your teeth and sent to the laboratory, who will manufacturer the Veneer to fit your tooth.

Cementing of the new Veneers occurs at the next appointment. Your dentist will check on the fit and colour before finally bonding them into place. Colour can be slightly altered by using varying shades of cement so it is important that you discuss any changes before final cementing takes place. Once the veneer is bonded to the tooth, the colour cannot be changed. After the Veneer has bonded, it is trimmed and polished.

Two or three visits to your dentist is usually required to measure and fit the Veneers –

  • The first step is preparation, impression and shade taking.
  • The second visit is to fit the Veneer.

There will usually be about 10 – 14 days in between appointments. So always give yourself the time needed if you have any up-coming events.

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