Dr Ella Cadwallader

Treatments- orthodontics – fixed ceramic and clear aligners. [(ABB) align bleach bond]
Composite bonding
Facial aesthetics
Smile makeovers!

Since qualification from Liverpool University in 2012, Ella has continued to grow her dental ability in many different areas to enable a range of aesthetic solutions to patients dental problems. Originally deciding to become a dentist through her own dental anxiety, she has made it a life long ambition to help those suffering with Dental Phobia.

Ella began her postgraduate training in the area of facial aesthetics, training via the Bob Khanna Institute and Ash Labib Academy to learn a wide range of aesthetic treatments. Her learning continued on to cosmetically focused tooth alignment, and the provision of both clear aligner, and fixed braces most recently through the IAS Academy to aid in patients smile makeovers.

From 2016, Ella completed two postgraduate certificates in Implantology, enabling her to place dental implants as a solution to tooth loss, and of which she continues to learn from her experienced peers at 10 Dental.

Ella is passionate about transforming patients aesthetics to provide them with increased confidence in their smile, and helping those who may have anxieties in exploring this option of treatment.
